Seneca Polytechnic, School of Creative Arts and Animation

Faculty of Communication, Art and Design

Area of Study

  • Animation
  • Filmmaking
  • Fine Arts
  • Game Devel.
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Music Production
  • New Media
  • PR/Corp. Comm.
  • Photography
  • Visual Arts
  • Web Design


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Seneca Polytechnic’s School of Creative Arts and Animation offers some of the best communication arts programs in the country. We combine practical experience with comprehensive theory, world-class instructors and state-of-the-art facilities. Our graduates are in demand across a variety of fields, including animation, graphic design, illustration, interactive media, gaming, photography, music, and documentary filmmaking.

At Seneca Polytechnic, you’re encouraged to explore your talent and combine it with the technical and conceptual skills needed to produce exceptional work for a successful career. Our faculty will guide you using a mix of theoretical and hands-on instruction and position you well for your path.


Most of our programs require an audition or portfolio review. Once you’re in, we work with you to turn your abilities into professional skills and challenge you to innovate.


You’ll benefit from field placement and other experiential learning that provide real know-how, whether it’s at a design firm, ad agency or recording studio. As a graduate you can also choose to explore the many pathways to university education offered through Seneca Polytechnic.

What sets us apart is our quality: expert faculty; world-class facilities; award-winning programs; and a great student experience.


Seneca Polytechnic’s School of Creative Arts and Animation is now accepting applications for winter, summer and fall intakes. Apply to a program or hire a grad today.



Upcoming Events



Program Length

Length of programs vary. We offer a wide range of credentials.


Our admission requirements vary by program and what type of applicant you are so make sure to review these on our online program pages first. Most of our programs require an audition or portfolio review.


Seneca Polytechnic
School of Creative Arts and Animation
70 The Pond Road
Toronto, ON M3J 3M6, Canada

For More Information

Past winners of the Applied Arts Student Awards

  • 2019 Student Awards Janny Ji
    Student Awards

    Janny Ji
  • 2020 Student Awards Paige Stampatori
    Student Awards

    Paige Stampatori
  • 2020 Student Awards Ryan Cookish, Ted Pedro, Roselyn Pla
    Student Awards

    Ryan Cookish, Ted Pedro, Roselyn Pla
  • 2019 Student Awards Ruaida Mannaa
    Student Awards

    Ruaida Mannaa