
How Visualizing the Voice of Authors Led to Finding My Own: Breaking Out of the Niche Bubble with Justine Anweiller


Speaker: JUSTINE ANWEILLER - Alumni of ACAD, Creative Consultant and former Senior Book Cover Designer, Pan Macmillan Publishers, London, UK

Justine Anweiler shares her thoughts about how to be successful in a limitless world of communication. What makes a hometown girl – born, bred and schooled in Calgary, Alberta – do the unthinkable: like moving to a new continent and specializing in the very niche industry of book publishing which is rooted in the belief that print will never die and constrains you to designing portrait rectangles that give author's a voice. And then, after becoming amazingly successful doing that, does a 180 and goes solo taking her experience and insight to the world of creative consulting for the people and the projects that matter to her personally. The answer for this Award-winning-UK-based-book-cover-designer-recently-gone-rogue-entrepreneur lies in Justine’s approach to every book-cover brief she ever took: what can I get away with? She keeps her work – and her career – fresh by being constantly open to new things and looking for a new challenge. Learn from Justine’s secret to success of remaining curious and dedicating her talents to the conversations she wants to be having.



